Recognizing Your Gifts
See our displays in the Hospital Lobby & centre corridor
- Cumulative lifetime gifts
- In memoriam gifts
- Estate and endowment gifts
The generosity of our community
We are constantly amazed and gratified by the generosity of our community! People give for a variety of reasons. Whatever your reason for giving, your support is essential to the long-term health of the Owen Sound Regional Hospital. Your donations help provide the high level of hospital care we all enjoy. On behalf of our hospital, doctors, nurses and technical staff, thank you for your generous, ongoing support!
The Foundation Donor Wall
Located in the hospital lobby, our donor recognition display is updated annually based on lifetime cumulative giving of $5,000, and higher.
Recognition levels:
Donor $1 – $999
Friend $1,000 – $4,999
Supporter $5,000 – $9,999
Sponsor $10,000 – $24,999
Patron $25,000 – $49,999
Benefactor $50,000 – $99,999
Builder $100,000 – $249,999
Developer $250,000 – $499,999
Investor $500,000 -$999,999
Visionary $1,000,000 +
The Foundation maintains separate donor displays for its In-memoriam program and Caring for Tomorrow Endowment Fund.
Community Report
Our “Support Report” Community Report is published each June. Find out about our successes, donor stories, current needs and how you can support the Owen Sound Regional Hospital.
Caring for Tomorrow
Our Caring for Tomorrow Society is a special group of supporters who have remembered the hospital with a gift in their Will – or another legacy gift.

Donate to
Guardian Angel


Honour a
Healthcare Hero

Support Report:
Fall 2024