Current Needs:

Second MRI Machine

  • $3.5 Million Needed to Purchase and Install 2nd MRI

  • 10,000+ MRI tests were performed last year
  • Will relieve backlog and reduce wait times
  • Reduced travel for longer more complex scans

Will you help us shrink MRI wait times?

With more than 10,000 scans performed last year and even more being requested, one machine simply isn’t enugh to keep up with this community’s need.

A second MRI at Owen Sound will make a big difference, helping ot reduce wait times for imaging, surgery, and treatments.

It also means you and your neighbours won’t have to travel for time-consuming scans like breast biopsies, prostate and cardiac imaging. And we’ll be able to respond more quickly to medical emergencies.

Please use the form below to make a secure online donation or contact the foundation directly at (519) 372-3925.

Please give as generously as you can today, to make an even bigger difference in our community’s healthcare.

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Healthcare Hero

Support Report:
Summer 2024