Current Needs:

A Fully Equipped ICU

  • The Owen Sound Hospital has added two new ICU beds
  • Able to care for more patients in Grey and Bruce
  • Just one patient can require 12IV pumps, a ventilator, a heart monitor and more
  • Please contribute today to fund a fully equipped ICU in Owen Sound, so more patients can get the care they need close to home. Thank you!

A fully equipped ICU in Owen Sound is essential. Will You Help?

“Every Day I see how important it is for families to have the care they need close to home” – Colleen Ouwendyk, Director, Critical Care, Stroke, and Rehab

It’s a real hardship when patients are transferred long distances for treatments and
procedures. It puts a burden on the whole family. To support a loved one, some people take on expensive travel arrangements. They’re forced to miss work and time with other family members.

And that’s if they can manage to visit their loved one at all. Sometimes a patient has no choice but to face their health troubles alone—and no one should have to do that.

That’s why I’m pleased that in September, we added two new beds to our intensive care unit
(ICU) at Brightshores Owen Sound Hospital. We’ve also expanded our ICU services, including providing acute dialysis for critically ill patients. This means we can keep more patients right here in town for the care they need, rather than transferring them to cities like London or Toronto.

But meeting the specialized needs of patients in the ICU requires specialized equipment.
There are key resources we still need to make the most of these two new ICU beds. We’ve got to stock additional ventilators, IV pumps, and all of the medical and surgical supplies these patients will need.

And to do that, we need your help.


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Support Report:
Summer 2024