We want to thank Heather for the incredible amount of good that she’s done raising more than $100,000 towards local cancer care.

A message from Heather that she wanted shared:

It was so important to me to find the light and positivity in all of this, as you know with all the fundraising and gifting I did. Thank you for helping me help others. It warmed my heart so much and made it feel more ‘worth it’ knowing we were helping others. I know I’m missing thanking you all for something, but I can’t keep rambling like this (mainly because I can’t see the screen through the tears haha) so I would just like to say, thank you. Thank you from the top to the bottom of my heart and all the bits in between. I love you all so much and know I’ll be watching and standing in each of your corners as your biggest cheerleader and confidant.  I am always here for you, maybe just in another form, but I will always surround you with light, love and positivity. Go, follow your dreams, do all the things, hug everyone you love and live everyday.” – Heather Little

For the full message please visit her blog: https://theheatherlittle.wordpress.com/2023/12/04/from-the-small-of-her-heart/

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Support Report:
Fall 2024